
Monday 29 April 2019

Immersion Assembly.

At Pt England School we had our 1st Immersion Assembly, For Term 2 and the topic for this Term is I like Your Latitude, Team 1 was talking about bees dying and making food disappearing, Team 2 had a Easter hunt they had to look up, Down, Left, Right. Team 3 had a video of pick-a-path it was pretty funny and good actions. Team 4 had a cool video cause they had to try and get to school from (Glen Innes) Pakensave to school and the teachers got some stuff to eat and then they finally found they way back to school, And now the most and best team so far team 5, Team 5 were talking about Virtual Travel Agency continents and my Teacher Ms Tapuke she had a special stick and then she slap the screen then it took her to those places she went to Europe,North America,Africa,And then Asia.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Our Malaga career.

On Wednesday the 10th of April we had 3 special guest. One of the guest is a blues player he plays on the wing his name is Tanielu Tele`a. He was talking to us about his career and who he wanted to play like he said he wanted to play like Sonny Biil Williams. He is a all black player and a blues player and the two other people are. Fiona Bakulich, Jason Young. Fiona Bakulich is a worker she works for The Casketeers. She has to dress passed away bodies and she has to look after them as well. Jason Young use to build houses and other stuff like that then he said he was getting bad injuries so then he moved in a office that he writes paper on. Tanielu Tele`a came to Pt England school to study. And now he is in the blues. People from Pt England School is so proud of him. And he is very good at rugby.
Jason Young.

Fiona Bakulich.

Tanielu Tele`a.

Book Review

Friday 5 April 2019

Talking about our hearts.

Today we had a lady that was a Senior Nurse and he name is Mary - Anne, She was talking to us about our hearts and how many time it beats every minute. And she was talking to us about her career and where she was born and her mountain and her Family and Friends. And she was talking about peoples hearts getting traced by a heart mechanic. And we got to hold a heart but it was a toy one not a real one we got to see what was in it And it looks yuk.